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  • Can I learn Tango Argentino without any dance knowledge?
    But yes! Our "Basics" course starts from scratch. No prior knowledge or talent is required. Two "left legs" are also sufficient. Everyone is picked up where they are. The focus is on having fun dancing the tango.
  • How long will it take me to dance in a tango parlor?"
    You can dance after the first hour. However, you still lack the repertoire to vary your steps. At the latest after the "Basics" course you can already improvise between what you have learned.
  • I don't have a dance partner. Can I still book a course?
    We'll try to find you a dance partner, but we can't guarantee anything. Register anyway and we will look for a dance partner, also in other courses. Your registration remains non-binding until you have a dance partner with whom you would like to do the course.
  • How long does a course last?
    Usually there are between 8 and 13 events. Courses start after the school holidays and end before the next holidays. Individual lessons in group courses cannot be booked, only the whole course.
  • What if I miss a lesson?"
    You can make up the lesson in other courses during the course period. The material may be different, but you can practice your steps in the lesson and we will correct and support you accordingly. Part of our concept is that at the beginning of each lesson we repeat the contents of the last lesson. During the course and at the end of the course, there are review lessons so you don't miss anything. There is no entitlement to reimbursement for missed course hours.
  • Why do you recommend dancing Tango Argentino?"
    There is probably no other dance where you can improvise as much as a couple as with the (Argentinian!) tango. So it doesn't get boring. You will never dance the same tango again. Every tango is different. But the tango culture is much more than just the dance. Tango is a "baile social", a dance in which people meet and are connected together in tango. Festivals, concerts and exhibitions are just as much a part of the world of tango as dancing together in the tango salons.
  • What can I do to find a dance partner?"
    There are dance partner exchanges on the Internet, but success in finding someone is moderate. The safest way is to search in your circle of friends and acquaintances. Men in particular are often rather shy about dancing. You have to be "convinced" first. They don't know what they're missing out on. Keyword "cock in the basket". Just bring it along to try it out and your tango addiction will take its course. :)
  • What clothes do I need for the course?
    Contrary to some clichés about the tango, you can dress very casually. The whole tango community is rather easygoing and relaxed. Of course, there are occasions when you can dress up (festival, etc.). For the lesson it is helpful to put on shoes with smooth leather soles or roughened leather soles (chrome leather soles). Rubber soles don't work at all. A little heel helps women and men when guided. Also choose the heel size in relation to your partner so that the difference in size is not too extreme.
  • Can same-sex dancers dance together?
    Yes, of course. The traditional roles predominate, but all combinations are possible. This is how women lead and how men let themselves be led. There are entire queer tango festivals where the traditional roles are broken up. By the way, you can switch roles during the lesson if you want to learn both roles from the start. Of course, this also applies to non-binary gender identities. By the way: "Why don't you use gender-sensitive texts?" We are waiting for a gender language to be developed that is not cumbersome and clumsy and hope for your understanding until then.
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